понеділок, 7 вересня 2015 р.

Correcting inaccuracies

I should like to commend Tadeusz Olszanski on a relatively even commentary entitled “Ukraine's wartime nationalism.” There are however several inaccuracies and at least two have caught my attention in particular. The first ascribes “crimes” to the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA) “not only those against ethnic Poles” and the second characterizes the scale of fighting of the UPA against the Third Reich as “exaggerated beyond measure.”

неділю, 31 травня 2015 р.

The pitfalls of not doing your homework

Investigative and analytical journalists who take on historical issues venture into delicate territory and often leave open the possibility of historical inaccuracy, thus weakening their conclusions. As the saying goes, the chain is only as strong as its weakest link. Linda Kinstler in “Politico” recently presented a primer on the pitfalls of not doing your homework.

неділю, 26 квітня 2015 р.

American Blind Patriotism in Boxing

Competitive sport is a wonderful phenomenon evoking myriad individual and collective emotions, often positive affection and sometimes negative hostility. For the participant it is an opportunity not only to achieve self fulfillment, but often to make money in the process.  For the spectator, it is a release, an opportunity to feel good about being a fan and belonging to a group local or national.

суботу, 18 квітня 2015 р.


     The Ukrainian American Bar Association (UABA) is a national bar association created in 1977 whose members are U.S. judges, attorneys and law students of Ukrainia descent and those American attorneys who share the UABA’s goals and dedication to the rule of law.  Our Association has a very deep interest in upholding the ability of our colleagues in other countries to represent clients without being intimidated, harassed or penalized by their
government for exercising their profession obligations on behalf of their clients.

пʼятницю, 17 квітня 2015 р.

Statement on Recognizing the European Perspective for the Eastern Partnership States

We, the member organizations of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum Georgian National Platform are looking forward to the upcoming Riga Summit with special interest.

The Summit, which will take place in the wake of Russian aggression, armed activities, occupation and annexation of territories in response to the European choice declared by the Ukrainian people, should answer the question how the unified Europe sees the future of the rest of the Europe.

понеділок, 30 березня 2015 р.

Politics in Sports

Recently,  one year after Crimea was annexed by the Russian Federation,  a celebratory President Putin admitted that Crimea was of interest to him prior to the so called referendum which had been the ostensible basis for annexation. Putin boasted that the subject of Crimea's return to Russia came up when he acted in February 2014 to save the life of Ukraine's ousted president Yanukovich who was on the run, abandoned and about to be captured by the Ukrainians.  It was then, according to Putin, that he gave the order to reunite Crimea with the motherland and personally acted as commander-in-chief. The concept of reunification itself is specious as Russian connection with Crimea is historically tenuous and replete with crimes.

неділю, 1 березня 2015 р.

Because he can

The obvious prime suspect in the recent execution style slaying of Russian opposition leader Boris Nemtsov, has announced to the world that he personally is spearheading the investigation. Vladimir Putin has declared this a political killing, suggesting a CIA plot, Ukrainian complicity to cause division within Russia, an Islamic jihad as retribution for Nemtsov's support for Charlie Hebdo and other nefarious concocted motives. Additionally, the investigation has introduced a personally  motivated scenario involving a young Ukrainian model as Nemtsov's concubine and a pregnancy about to be aborted.

пʼятницю, 20 лютого 2015 р.

Putin is wearing “The Emperor’s New Clothes”

 About 175 years ago, Hans Christian Anderson wrote a children’s fairytale, - The Emperor’s New Clothes - about a narcissistic monarch who was deceived by his tailors into believing that his non-existent new garb which they pretended to weave was real but would be invisible only to those who were hopelessly stupid or incompetent.  The gullible emperor paraded in his imaginary non-attire before his subjects. Fearing that saying the truth to the vain sovereign would jeopardize their position in his imperial court, none of his ministers or citizens of his kingdom dared to state the self-evident – that the emperor had no clothes.  

четвер, 19 лютого 2015 р.

United Nations delivers 62 metric tons of humanitarian aid to Donetsk

GENEVA/KYIV, 19 February 2015 – The United Nations delivered 62 metric tons of humanitarian aid to Donetsk today. This includes essential hygiene items, warm clothes, blankets, condensed milk powder, drinking water, and medical supplies procured by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), and the World Health Organization (WHO).

Zbigniew Bujak : pour l’instant, c’est Putin qui gagne la guerre de propagande

Un jour, la diplomatie deviendra efficace, mais pour l’instant elle n’est d’aucune aide dans les efforts servant à résoudre le conflit à Donbass.

Mardi, le septième forum « Europe – Ukraine » s’est achevé à Łódź (Pologne). Cette conférence à laquelle participent des représentants du monde entier est dédiée à la situation en Ukraine, c’est-à-dire à la guerre, à l’économie, aux réformes nécessaires et à la situation géopolitique compliquée. Parmi les conférenciers se trouvait Zbigniew Bujak, un oppositionnaire polonais connu des temps de la République populaire de Pologne, ainsi que l’un des fondateurs de l’union “Solidarność” (Solidarité), selon Dziennik Łódzki.

Zbigniew Bujak: So far, Putin is winning the propaganda war

A time may come when diplomacy will start to work, but today its efforts in helping resolve the Donbass conflict are futile.

Tuesday was the closing day of the seventh “Ukraine - Europe” forum that took place in Łódź (Poland). This conference with participants from all around the world is dealing with the situation in Ukraine, more precisely with war, economics, urgent necessity of reforms and the complicated geopolitical situation. Among the presenters was Zbigniew Bujak, a famous Polish opposition activist at the time of the Polish People’s Republic and one of the founders of the union “Solidarność” (Solidarity), according to Dziennik Łódzki.

неділю, 15 лютого 2015 р.

Minsk 2


Hope springs eternal. In Ukrainian circles that cliché is no longer relevant when referring to Ukraine-Russia relations. Many in the West are still naive or, perhaps,  idealistic enough to lend credence to promises made by Russian leaders or their henchman. However, the list of the believers is diminishing.

середу, 11 лютого 2015 р.

To Stop Putin You Must Stop Him

The political spectrum between Ted Cruz and Bernie Sanders is as wide as their age difference. However, that difference is apparent mostly in social programs. Foreign policy issues are often equalizers because principles in politics, in particular when your own home appears safe,  is anathema. The appearance of one's own safety is often the result of shortsightedness. Long term strategic interests are subjects left for academic discourse. In politics, principles are compromised for the sake of political expediency, electability and the like.

вівторок, 27 січня 2015 р.

Geneva v. Moscow

Citing international documents, conventions, treaties when dealing with Russia is an exercise in futility. A more meaningful task would be locating a single international convention or treaty that Russia and/or its predecessor the USSR have not violated in large part or ignored entirely. Conventions and treaties nonetheless remain international norms of a civilized international community that must be taken into consideration when dealing with Russia. Russia' failure to comply, often arrogantly, should be perceived as an unwillingness on the part of Russia to be a part of that civilized international community with consequences. Thus Russia must be considered a pariah and a global danger much more significant because of its size than other states like Syria, Iran, North Korea or terrorist formations such as ISIS, al-Quada or the Taliban.